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In below text you can read about what a doctor´s note should contain.


In below text you can read about what a doctor´s note should contain.

Guide for doctor´s note in connection with illness at exams and application for exemption

If you become ill before or during an exam, or you need to apply for an exemption due to illness, you will have to obtain documentation for said illness. In the event of illness in connection with an exam, a doctor’s note is usually required, and must be sent to the study administrative coordinator no later than 14 days after the exam date.

The doctor's note could contain the following information:

  • The student’s name and CPR Number (social security number)
  • The doctor's name and business address
  • The period of the illness/valid period of doctor's statement (the period must include the date of the exam
  • The doctor's assessment of the illness (it must be the doctor's assessment that the student is ill, not the student's)
  • The doctor´s assessment needs to explain how the illness has affected the study and how it may affect it in the future (e.g. reduced study program or leave of absence)
  • The doctor's signature and the date of the signature

It is important that the doctor’s note is obtained on the same day as the exam or as soon as possible afterwards within a period when the doctor still is able to assess your illness.

When applying for an exemption with the Study Board, it is not always necessary to obtain a doctor’s note. Sometimes you will be able to document your information via a printout or screen dump from your patient records on www.sundhed.dk. In the case of pregnancy and maternity leave, either a medical record and/or birth certificate will suffice.

If you have any doubts or questions, please contact the study board secretary before obtaining documentation.

Further information can be found in the ‘Examination Policies and Procedures’, chapter 8.3.’ Documented Illness and Make-up Examinations'. In conclusion, please note that the Study Board makes an individual assessment in each case.

Please be aware that the above is only indicative.